AFSCME Supports Legislative Package for State Employees

Our main goal as AFSCME Local 4041 is to improve the lives and working conditions of Nevada state employees, while improving the services we provide to our communities.
Since winning collective bargaining rights and coming together as a union, AFSCME members have moved state employees forward, setting standards with our collective bargaining agreements and our advocacy efforts in the legislature and state capitol.
Last week, the Senate Finance Committee and Assembly Ways and Means Committee announced a robust compensation package for Nevada state employees that would address the chronic understaffing affecting state services. This package includes provisions negotiated by AFSCME Local 4041, as well as additional economic incentives and adjustments to PERS contributions.
This legislative package is a result of AFSCME members fighting for all state employees; using our power in negotiations and our power in the legislature to improve our lives, working conditions, and the services we provide.
AFSCME members have been fighting for substantial wage increases and changes to PERS, now we have the attention of the legislature and Governor to address these issues to improve staff retention and recruitment.
This legislative proposal includes up to 20% in wage increase for all state employees, bringing all state workers closer to parity with other public workers in Nevada.
Also included: adjusting PERS contributions by increasing the state’s contribution, resulting in workers seeing more than 7% more in their take-home pay.
The fight is not finished – we have to keep fighting to ensure this proposal passes the legislature and gets signed by the governor.
The relentless efforts of AFSCME members fighting for all state workers has brought us to this point. We must all come together to continue this flight.