Administrative Professionals Continue to Keep Our State Running

Administrative assistants are key players in any office, setting the tone of any workplace and keeping services running smoothly. Like many other AFSCME members across Nevada, Deb Hinds, an Administrative Assistant at the medical clinic at the Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services campus (NNAMHS), has had to adjust to a new way of continuing to provide vital services to our community during the coronavirus crisis. While her day-to-day work of new client intake and scheduling appointments has changed, her mission of keeping the office running to help Nevadans with their mental health needs has not.
As an essential service, the medical clinic at NNAMHS has continued to treat people with mental health needs by creating new procedures for client intake and services, implementing new safety precautions to protect both staff and clients from potential COVID-19 exposure. New procedures, including some tele-health appointments and a rotating staff schedule, have created a workable balance between continuing services with little disruption and maintaining safety during this public health crisis.
“We really came together as a team, thinking about each other’s safety and the safety of the public we serve. We all knew how important our work is and adjusted. I'm so proud to be on this team,” said Deb.
With her normally bustling office a lot quieter these days, celebrating Administrative Assistants Day on April 22 will look a lot different this year. But Deb has a bigger way people can appreciate administrative assistants in the public sector.
“The treats and flowers are nice, and I always appreciate them. But this year, we really need more support from our government leaders. Leaders in Washington need to send more emergency aid to Nevada to help us continue the important work we do. Funding important services, like the clinic I'm at, will really show they appreciate us, especially in this time of need,” said Deb.