AFSCME Certified Bargaining Units Win Additional Wage Increase

AFSCME Certified Bargaining Units Win Additional Wage Increase
Today, the Nevada Board of Examiners approved a wage increase for state employees covered under the AFSCME collective bargaining agreement.
“Today is a huge victory for Nevada state employees. We appreciate the members of the Board of Examiners for respecting our contract and investing in Nevada state employees. Having a collective bargaining agreement allows us to make improvements to our lives, working conditions and the services our dedicated state employees provide to our communities. Workers in other bargaining units continue to organize towards unit certification as AFSCME Local 4041 so all workers can benefit from a strong contract,” said Harry Schiffman, president of AFSCME Local 4041 and an electrician at UNLV.
The AFSCME CBA gives a 3% wage increase to workers in the AFSCME certified bargaining units for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, and the option to renegotiate wages for the 2021-2022 fiscal year should state revenue exceed projections. Last fall, negotiations began over the additional wage increases, when state revenue was higher than the projected revenue at the time of ratification of the contract in May 2021. In December 2021, an arbitrator decided in favor AFSCME Local 4041’s position on a 3% first-year increase, retroactive to July 1, 2021, for the four AFSCME-certified bargaining units covered under the CBA: A, E, F, and I.
Workers in bargaining units A, E, F, and I include custodial and maintenance workers at state medical facilities, prisons, and universities; workers who maintain our state highways and roads; health care workers at state psychiatric facilities, public clinics, and the state’s veterans' homes; and corrections officers at state prisons.
The AFSCME CBA is the only contract for state employees that included wage increases for both fiscal years. Next, the State Legislature must approve a budget item for the wage increases for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
As the largest and longest serving union for Nevada state employees, AFSCME Local 4041 represents thousands of state employees across eight bargaining units and is currently certified to negotiate a contract for four bargaining units.