AFSCME members ratify new contract; win largest pay increase in decades

Last week, members of AFSCME Local 4041 overwhelmingly voted yes to ratify theirnew Collective Bargaining Agreement. This is the second CBA for AFSCME Local 4041, after winning collective bargaining rights for Nevada state employees in 2019.
With the support of thousands of union members across the state, the Local 4041 bargaining team held the state accountable to negotiate the largest wage increase in almost 40 years: an 8% increase the first year, and a 4% increase the second year.
This contract also includes incentives for workers to continue state service through quarterly bonuses, increased bilingual and shift differential pay, increased tool allowances,two additional personal days for a total of 4 per calendar year, expanding accrual of paid time off to 480 hours and establishing a PTO cash out program.
With over 20% vacancy rates across all state agencies and departments, Local 4041 members see this contract as a way having a voice on the job can address the chronic understaffing that is straining state services.
“By improving working conditions, this CBA is one way state workers are coming together to address the chronic understaffing that affects the vital services that keep our communities strong. A stable workforce means stable services – and a better Nevada,” said AFSCME Local 4041 President Harry Schiffman.
Workers included in this contract include maintenance and custodial workers, health care workers, mental health workers, and other professionals in the health care field.
Next, the Board of Governors must approve the contract, and the state legislature must fund the economic provisions of the contract.
We won at the bargaining table, but our fight is not over. We must come together to ensure the legislature funds our wage increases and other economic items, and the governor signs them into law.
Click here to sign our petition for better wages!