AFSCME Members Win Big at Legislature and Bargaining Table

Have you heard? AFSCME members fought for and won major investments in state workers this year at the bargaining table and the legislative session.
The 83rd legislative session came to an end in early June, and Friday night was the final deadline for Governor Lombardo to act on all legislation that was passed.
Our victories at the bargaining table and in the legislature are made possible because of the years-long effort to win collective bargaining rights, our robust political mobilization, relentless advocacy, and all of us coming together as a union to fight for better pay, working conditions and improved state services.
All state workers will still see up to 24% in wage increases over the next two years, as AB 522 – the state employee pay bill – was signed into law last week. All state workers will also see quarterly bonuses over the next two years, totaling $2000. Longevity pay was also reinstated for all state workers.
Wage increases you will see on July 1, 2023
- 12 or 13% for all state workers, depending on job classification
- 2% comes from an offset increase in employee PERS contributions, for all state workers
- 3% comes from our arbitration win for workers under our collective bargaining agreement
Wage increases you will see on July 1, 2024
- 11% wage increase for all state workers
- 7% comes from veto of SB498, to offset the high PERS contributions
By not taking any action on the following bills, they become state law:
- AB 239 – reauthorized the Merit Award Board, rewards state workers for ideas that save the state money
- AB 376 – implements a paid family leave program for state employees, 8 weeks at 50% pay
- AB 378 – aligns our collective bargaining negotiations so we are more likely to get arbitration awards funded in a timely manner
- SB 166 - splits state supervisor bargaining unit into five units to make it easier for supervisors to win a union
Unfortunately, the governor vetoed a series of bills that were top priority for AFSCME members.These bills include:
- AB 172 – included a provision to make parking and transportation as mandatory bargaining subjects
- AB 498 – adjusting the percentage of PERS contributionsbetween employer and employee
- SB 440 – backpay from 2022 arbitration win for certified units, will still get a 3% wage increase (included in 2023 wage increase)just without backpay.
Our most recent collective bargaining agreement also includes:
- Shift differential increasing from $1.00 per hour to $1.50 per hour or 5% of salary, whichever is greater.
- Bilingual pay increasing from $20 per pay period to 5% of salary and language improved to help more employees qualify for it.
- Tool Allowance increasing from $600 per year to $1,200 per year.
- Holiday pay improving so it covers the hours of an employee’s regularly scheduled shift.
- Employees personal days will increase from 2 to 4 per year beginning in January 2024.
- Employees annual leave bank will be increased to 480 hours.
- New annual cash out program, allowing employees to cash out 40 hours of annual leave twice per year. Once in October and once in May.
- Guarantee that employees can have union representation in disciplinary meetings if they choose.
- Guarantees by management that they will ensure enforcement of the contract provisions in various areas.
Currently, only state employees in bargaining units A, E, and F are covered under the AFSCME collective bargaining agreement.
Over the last few months, AFSCME members called into legislative hearings, sent emails to legislators, and attended our lobby day in Carson City to share how understaffing has affected the critical services we provide that make Nevada happen.
And our bargaining team held the state accountable during contract negotiations to ensure we continue to improve our lives and working conditions through a strong collective bargaining agreement. Many of the policies that became legislation were based on improvements we made in our collective bargaining agreement.
We are deeply grateful to Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro, Speaker Steve Yeager, Assembly Ways and Means Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno, and Senate Finance Chair Marilyn Dondero Loop for working with AFSCME member to develop this historic boost for state employees. We are also thankful to all the legislators who voted for bills that strengthened state workers.
While we are disappointed Governor Lombardo vetoed legislation that respects our collective bargaining rights and would have made significant impact on our retirement, we recognize and appreciate the investments in state workers he did support.
When our union is stronger, we will have the power to make even more improvements for all state workers. There is strength in numbers, and our power comes from state workers like you.
If you are not an AFSCME member yet – join now!
If you are already an AFSCME member, help us grow our political power by joining PEOPLE.