Election Results For State Employees

Election Day was a historic day on the road to better state services and jobs.
Pro-worker candidate Steve Sisolak was elected Governor and pro-worker majorities were elected to both the State Senate and the State Assembly. Our endorsed candidate, Jackie Rosen, was voted into the US Senate and Catherine Byrnes, a proud AFSCME Local 4041 member, has become State Controller. Our union AFSCME played a critical part in electing them.
Over the past year, state employees have been coming together to build our union and elect candidates who support our right to collectively bargain. We knocked on doors, made phone calls, and spoke to our coworkers. We held hundreds of worksite meetings and are one step closer to passing a collective bargaining law that will give us the right to negotiate for our wages, benefits and improve our jobs and lives.
The next step is “Rally in the Valley,” our AFSCME state employee conference. Come celebrate with hundreds of your fellow state employees and help plan the next steps to turn collective bargaining from a campaign promise to the law of the land.
State Employees' Rally in the Valley
Las Vegas • November 16 - 18
Painters Union Hall • 1701 Whitney Mesa Drive, Henderson, NV 89014
For more info and to register: Bit.ly/RnValley
Transportation and Accommodations Will Be Provided To Members Traveling From Northern Nevada
"I'm excited to win collective bargaining rights. I'm coming to the Rally in the Valley conference to plan on how we will make it happen." -Victor Avena, Carpenter, Department of Transportation | ||
"This is such an exciting time for state employees. Finally, we have a real chance to get the respect we deserve. Count me in! " -Ashleigh Edwards, Psychiatric Caseworker, Division of Child and Family Services | ||
"Everyone who can should attend. It's our union, and now is the time to plan the best ways to achieve our collective goals." -Grey Martin, Groundskeeper, Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health | ||
"Together, we were able to elect candidates that support us. Imagine what we can do when we have the right to collectively bargain for our issues that we care about. That's why I'm coming." -Patricia Cargal, Nevada Division of Welfare & Supportive Services |