State Must Reimburse State Workers for Furloughs Now

In response to the Governor’s proposal to include back pay for state employees in the 2023 budget for furlough days taken in 2021, AFSCME Local 4041 released the following statement from Harry Schiffman, President, AFSCME Local 4041, and electrician at UNLV:
“The Governor and Interim Finance Committee can and should use American Rescue Plan funds to reimburse state employees for furlough days now, not in next year’s budget.
Two summers ago, when the state wanted to put the budget crisis on the backs of state workers, AFSCME Local 4041 members stood together and fought back. We demanded the state negotiate with us over any changes and were successful in reaching an agreement that saved jobs and merit pay. We also reduced furloughs from 12 days to 6 and included language that would reimburse workers for any furlough days should the state’s revenue recover, which it has. Additionally, AFSCME members across the country were instrumental in passing the American Rescue Plan Act in 2021, which provided the state of Nevada $2.8 billion dollars of federal aid, permissible to be used for investing in the state’s workforce. The Governor and IFC do not need to wait until next year to use ARP funds to reimburse for these furloughs, as well as the approved 3% wage increase for the 2021 fiscal year that is part of our collective bargaining agreement. State workers should nothave to wait more than a year to get paid.”
Workers in AFSCME certified bargaining units covered under the current CBA, include custodial and maintenance workers at state medical facilities, prisons, and universities; workers who maintainour state highways and roads; health care workers at state psychiatric facilities, public clinics, and the state’s veterans' homes; and corrections officers at state prisons.
As the largest and longest serving union for Nevada state employees, AFSCME Local 4041 represents thousands of state employees across eight bargaining units and is currently certified to negotiate a contract for four bargaining units.