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Member Voices

Upcoming Events

Desert Chapter Meeting

3:00PM - 5:00PM

Desert chapter meets every month on the second Thursday, both in-person and on Zoom.

Sierra Range Chapter Meeting

6:00PM - 7:00PM

Sierra Range Chapter meets on the second Wednesday of each month, via Zoom.

Desert Chapter Meeting

3:00PM - 5:00PM

Desert chapter meets every month on the second Thursday, both in-person and on Zoom.

Take Action

AFSCME Nevada Lobby Day 2025

Join AFSCME members from across the state to advocate for our legislative priorities in Carson City! As state employees, our legislators need to hear from us about the important work we do, and how investing in public employees makes Nevada happen.

Register Today!

Learn More About AFSCME Local 4041

By uniting with the largest public employee union in the country, you’ll have the power to get things done at your workplace. Together, we have a powerful voice to protect workers’ rights and our jobs, pay, benefits, working conditions and public services.

Take Action

AFSCME National

Colonial Life Voluntary Benefits

AFSCME Local 4041 is excited to bring members the opportunity to enroll in voluntary benefits, including dental and term life insurance, through Colonial Life. Click here to learn more! 

The Union Difference

AFSCME Local 4041 members provide the vital services that make Nevada happen. By organizing we build our capacity to strengthen public services, improve working conditions, negotiate decent wages and safeguard pensions and health benefits.

AFSCME Advantage

As an AFSCME member, you know you always have an advantage at the bargaining table. But did you also know your AFSCME membership can provide you with a big advantage when you shop?