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Contract Campaign Institute - Training #1

When: 11:00AM - 1:00PM

In 2019, AFSCME Local 4041 members won the right for Nevada State Employees to collectively bargaining over important issues, like working conditions, wages and benefits. Workers must now organize within their job classification based bargaining units, reach a majority of membership and supporters, then file for exclusive representation as AFSCME Local 4041. Four units of workers have reached majority, filed and certified as AFSCME for exclusive representation: Category III (Correctional Officers), Nonprofessional Health Care workers, Professional Health Care workers, and Labor-Maintenance-Custodial workers. Now, AFSCME members will start the process to head to the bargaining table. The Contract Campaign Institute is an 8-week training program for workers to build collective power and learn what it takes to negotiate a strong contract.   

You must be an active AFSCME Local 4041 member to participate in the contract campaign and register here by May 7, 2020. The first training will be Saturday, May 9 at 11am via Zoom 

Click here to register!